Sleep Better And Longer With This Advice On Sleep Apnea

It can be scary to be given a diagnosis of sleep apnea. Remember though that this affliction is pretty frequent, and while potentially severe in effect, you can in fact manage it with success. Continue reading to learn great information that will help ease your mind.

One way to fight against sleep apnea is to give up vices. Few things are worse for sleep apnea than drinking and smoking. Alcohol depresses your nervous system and makes it harder to breathe, particularly when you are asleep. Smoking introduces known carcinogens into your lungs and damages them over time. Getting rid of these bad habits can help to lessen the frustration that sleep apnea brings.

Extra weight is a primary cause of sleep apnea. If this is true for you, try getting a little thinner. Improving the overall health of the diet in combination with an increased level of exercise makes a simple, effective weight loss strategy. Restricting carbohydrates has shown to be a big help in losing weight.

Giving up smoking and drinking can help to improve your sleep apnea. Alcohol relaxes the muscles in the back of the throat, which will cause an interference with breathing. Remember that surgery and medications are expensive. Correcting bad habits is free.

Avoid relying on sleeping pills. Sleeping pills carry the risk of throat relaxation, much the same as alcohol does. They may also have other negative effects as well. Ask your physician about sleep aids that won’t also affect your breathing.

Sleeping pills are bad to take for people with sleep apnea. You may find these pills are causing your muscles in your throat to relax and this obstructs your airways. If your sleep apnea is bad, these pills are even more dangerous. They may be tempting to use but you’ll be better off staying away from sleeping pills.

Getting a sleep apnea diagnosis can be scary. Thankfully, the disorder can be effectively managed. Use the tips from this article to help you cope with your sleep apnea. If you get the correct treatment, your life will be healthy and more fulfilling even with your condition.

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