Great Guide On How To Overcome Sleep Apnea

Regardless of age, you can be affected by sleep apnea. Some people don’t realize they have sleep apnea and simply blame their symptoms on growing older or other things that aren’t to blame. This article will give you important advice about sleep apnea so that you no longer need to suffer needlessly.

Some people’s sleep apnea can be traced to morbid obesity. In these cases, simply losing the extra weight can alleviate the symptoms. These people should set themselves up with a weight-loss plan that involves exercise and calorie reduction. Taking carbohydrates out of a diet is something that studies show helps people lose weight.

Do you sometimes drink or smoke? Stop these bad habits. The reason is because these harmful substances impact your airways, and as a result, your sleep. Alcohol can relax airways while smoking can cause them to swell, both of which can cause you to have sleep apnea. If you can’t quit, at least don’t drink or smoke right before going to bed.

Avoid sleeping pills when you suffer from sleep apnea. One of the effects of sleeping pills is that they constrict your throat, which only exacerbates sleep apnea. If you have sleep apnea it can be life threatening to take sleeping pills.

Consult with your doctor about getting a mouth piece. Sleep apnea can be magnified in effects by small jaws and recessed chins, as well as breathing passageways that are naturally narrow. There are a number of different devices to correct for these issues. Simply aligning your jaw may be all that is necessary.

Use nasal spray if you have a nose issue. This should clear your airways, at least temporarily. Nasal sprays with medications should not be used for many days in a row, however, because they can damage the nose. Take a trip to the local pharmacy to see what they have available to help with keeping your nose open when you’re sleeping.

You know are far more educated about this affliction and what it can mean for you. If you believe you are suffering from this condition, make sure you contact your doctor to learn even more information on sleep apnea.

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